MVT-Django Architecture

In software engineering, there are several software design patterns. One of them is MVT.MVT means Model, View, Template.

Model: Model is for data. Data is coming from database and that can be linked with the model object.
So when you say model in your application you might be having different in entites and every single entity will have its own model object that can be linked with database.

Template: Template means normal HTML(actually Frontend in your application).But it will also have DTL(Django Template Language).
If you want to introduce some dynamic data in your page that can be done with the help of DTL

As a user you want to fetch data you are sending a request this request will go to your application.Suppose your application is Django-Based application. Whenever you build a project in django you will get very specific file that is In this file you do all the mapping so from where you will get the request and then what will happen. So that navigation will be sent to the view

Now What is View?!

View: The Business logic that we want to write will be done in view. This view actually use the model object and the template.
So what data has to be sent on the template will be decided by view.

To Recapitulate,
Model works with Data
View works with Logic
Template works with Layout